Wednesday 25 May 2011

Give me joy in my heart...

As I write the title I'm singing the well known and worn out children's song 'Give me oil in my lamp'. Now obviously this isn't being done in the open plan office I currently sit in, it is in my head and there it will remain for the foreseeable, if not distant, future. But joy is what I've been thinking through over the last couple of days and more potently realising I do not have in abundance.

Myself and Sara have undertaken the live below the line challenge (for more info on this click here). This challenge is to live off £1 per day for all our food and drink needs in order to raise sponsorship and awareness for the 1.4 billion people around the world, who also live off £1 per day but do not have a choice about it. It's been an interesting journey so far and hunger has become as normal a feeling as breathing currently, with the temptation to have that 'sneaky treat no one will know about' almost at an unbearable level.

I came into work this morning to pray with our DHQ team to be greeted by bagels, jams, marmalade, toast and filter coffee. I settled for a water, grrrr. It may seem easy to do , live off £1per day for a week, but it's not. Simply because you cannot choose, you do not have a vast array of tasty treats to choose from, or enjoy the debate about what to eat this evening. You eat what you have, and you do not eat lots of it. The oppression you feel is quite daunting and tiring and is obviously nothing in comparison to those who are locked into this way of life with no choice for most probably their entire life.

In this process of rice, pasta, apples and digestive biscuits I noticed I had become rather cranky (not the crane from Thomas as Malachi would have you believe). My fuse had shortened, my politeness had wained and Mr Hyde surfaced regularly informing me of my true colours. They say that when we are tired and hungry that is when we are most likely to get annoyed, frustrated and angry. Well I'm tired and hungry.

So what has 'give me oil in my lamp', which, by the way, I'm now singing again in my head , got to do with hunger and tiredness?

When I consider those brothers and sisters of faith who live in these places of extreme poverty I do not think or see in them frustration or anger, in fact often we witness joy. My wife visited Zambia one year on a mission trip and regularly says the joy evident in the Christians within these poverty stricken communities was a real challenge to her. So this is the question I'm challenged on in this LBL challenge. Do I have this kingdom joy in my heart or is my joy dependant on sky+ recording my shows, food on my table that I enjoy and a nice warm bed?

Reading Luke 6:20-26 I'm challenged about what brings me Joy and how I interact with my wealth. Because if I am truly reflective, even from a worldly perspective I am rich beyond imagination. I have a two story home with 3 bedrooms, gas, clean water and electricity on supply, Cupboards with food to last us for a month, most of which we will probably throw away at some point. My life is rich compared to at least 1.4 Billion people. Yet in all this wealth am I missing something, in all these well fed stomach's are we missing something.

This kingdom Joy is one that rejoices when oppressed for Christ, that is content with hunger, can last the night without a home, can live in extreme poverty yet will be generous, loving, polite, hospitable and accommodating to others. Again if we truly reflect this kind of joy surely is treasure from heaven? This kind of joy we would all want, this kind of kingdom we would all desire to be a part of. To be happy and loved even when everything worldly went wrong.

To finish this blog brings me to where I'm at right this moment to understanding this joy. To gain this joy, to partake in this kingdom, to really get how to live life in all it's fullness we have to let go of the wealth, to not depend on those things which stop us receiving this joy because they show us a false sense of security in ready made meals, fast food outlets and flat screen TV's. It isn't about beating ourselves up, but about letting ourselves go in order that we will embrace God's way of living. Realising that in the west we are incredibly blessed in order to bless, it's about being people of joy whether there;'s food on the table or not.

My Prayer in this LBL challenge: "Please Lord, give me Joy in my heart" - Let the singing commence!!

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