Tuesday 18 October 2011

Does God hate me????

I came across another controversial story relating to a well known and influential Pastor in the US. The long and short of the story was that although God loves parts of us, he also detests and hates other parts. Like all good biblical teachers and preachers, said pastor gave a very compelling biblical argument for his viewpoint and left me wondering whether God really does hate parts of me. However in my thoughts of God's wrath and distaste for me there was a stirring in my spirit which was uneasy at the road I was going down.

I struggle when Christians place more value on experience than biblical teaching. The thought that what I experience in my life superseeds the word of God is not something I ascribe too. However, nor do I ascribe to the viewpoint that the word of God is alien and at odds with our experience of life. We can come up with compelling bibilical arguments for anything but if it does not find it's way into real life then it is merely a theological academic exercise. Now you all know (if you read these regularly) I have a son, whilst Myself and Sara are also expecting another child in spring next year. So what has the above got to do with whether God hates me or not?

Simple, I do not hate any part of my Son. Even when he drives me crazy and tries my patience I do not hate him. Even if he disowns me and wishes me dead I will not hate any part of him (Prodigal Son parable anyone?). My experience of being a Father leads me to an understanding that a loving Father does not hate any part of his children, even the difficult, disobedient ones. Now I can already hear people saying 'Well you are merely a Human, God is different'. Now I can't seriously argue against that but I can say this. I believe everything good and pleasing comes from God, our identity is said to be of God as we are made in his image, our emotions and spirit are connected to his encourager and the Holy Spirit and we are at one with Christ. Therefore is it a stretch too far to understand that the love I have for my son and baby-to-come is a drop in the ocean and an accurate glimpse of the love God has for me?

I know there are biblical points of God's wrath and anger against his loved ones. And somewhere in the mix of my biblical understanding and experience of God, in the here and now, I have to try to figure that out. But my absolute adoration of a 2 year old called Malachi points me more to the description of God is love, to the biblical stance of John 3:16, to a father who loves me so much he will come searching for me regardless of what I have done wrong or the failure my actions often produce. The problem I have with a God who hates parts of me is that it leads to a God of rejection, a God of fear, a God of partial Love and that is not my biblical understanding of Christ.

1 John talks about how this 'God love' drives out fear, that fear has no place and cannot stand the sight of God's love. I pray my Son will never be fearful of me and he will, regardless of what he has done, find acceptance, grace, love and freedom in our relationship. With all of that crammed in, there is no place for hate, not even partial hate. And if that is how a mere human, with limited understanding of the divine things and the completeness of love feels, then I'm okay. My God does not hate any part of me... he loves me despite all the parts he could hate...

1 comment:

  1. god is the ultimate source of evil.

    And black people will be sacrificed to help whites.
    Falling for temptation and prostituting the only individuals with any worth will envoke the god's punishment. Nurturing pedophelia, the gods will begin to tell blacks to adopt the homosexual lifestyle, and we will see mass influx into the gay community. This in turn will create a secondary market for pre-pubescent prostitution, male homoseuxual child prostitution.
    Concrete evidence homosexuality is nothing more than growth out of pedophelia, this black phenomina will be used to help whites recognize homosexuality for what it is and abandon homosexuality. In turn, this sacrifice will buy the otherwise Damned blacks another "second chance" on the next Planet Earth, one they do not deserve yet will have earned throguh their sacrifice.
    Likely the clue sent with positioning surrounding this Situation.
    Blackk people don't deserve this with their behavior, but it is not their time. Black people are good who are HIGHLY suseptable to temptation, and they have fallen HARD, as we will see again with the pedophelia issue.
    What this would suggest is the role of "playing god" will/has been positioned to be transferred over to the trillionaires sometime, creating another hurdle and making ascention just than much more difficult.

    The short-term job was essential for the god's positioning. Without it they would have looked like trash when they got me sick and costed me my career.
    As with my childhood they needed inactive/sedintary to ensure unrespectability, necessary to grease the wheels of their positioning.
    Maggots feeding at my carcass.

    As I was saying Navy Yard killings in DC is likened to the Oakland Riders tactic of a couple years ago, ensuring as many blacks as possible gloss over the Costa Concordia clue, yet another Concord clue in the Situation. Should be effective considering blacks typically are not the shooters, effectively preoccupying blacks.

    god is the source of all evil.
